Posted on: 10/01/2022
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App Testing - Parents & Kids needed for Kids App Prototype

Joanna Ho.
徵 20 位自由工作者 您好!我們是 Lingumi,一個為孩子設計的英語學習 APP。我們正在開發全新的 APP 內容,希望尋找願意幫助我們測試產品的家庭 (包括家長及 3-8 歲兒童)。 不論您是在印尼、菲律賓、台灣、香港或中國都非常歡迎,我們需要您和孩子一起體驗產品,並告訴我們孩子喜歡的部分,以及還有哪裡需要改進。 在您成功申請後,我們將會寄出完整的 APP 產品測試指南,以及一份問卷請您協助填寫。您將會需要準備兩個智能裝置 (手機或平板) 以完成此次測試。 時間:總工作時數最多 5 小時,測試期為 2022 年 1 月至 3 月間 預算:USD$ 10 / 小時 地點:印尼、菲律賓、台灣、香港或中國家庭 語言:英文或中文 若您有興趣,歡迎申請此工作並讓我們知道您過去的經驗,以及您是否有孩子 (包括他們的年齡)。謝謝! Needs to hire 20 Freelancers Hi there! We are Lingumi, an app for children to learn English! We are prototyping some new content in our app and are on the look out for parents and kids (aged 3-8 years old) to test out our new content. We are looking for parents in Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and China that can help us understand and improve the experience for their children. We need you to tell us which things you and your child liked and what you would change. Once your application is accepted, we will send full instructions of what will be required to complete the app testing, as well as a series of questions that you will need to answer. You will need two devices to complete the testing. Time: Up to 5 hours work in total during January - March 2022 Incentive: USD$ 10, subject to a minimally acceptable submission Location: Candidates must be based in the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan or China Language: Submissions should preferably be in English but Bahasa Indonesia & Chinese are also accepted. If you are interested, please apply to the job and give us a brief description of your experience and whether you have any children (and their age/s), since we are especially interested in hearing from our target audience. Thank you!
Work Location
Flexible / Remote
Job Scale
Within 30 days
TWD $1,200 - $6,000
Required Skills



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平均Freelance工作價格為 $7,000-8,000

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